UI Feature Request - On/Off for POE

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UI Feature Request - On/Off for POE

Sun Apr 19, 2020 11:33 am

I've been reading "best practices" and something that stood out was that you should never plug/unplug a cable into a "live" PoE port on a Netonix due to possible/accidental shorts, etc. Sounds like a great idea.... but..... To disable PoE, the only way that I see to do this is to change the drop down to "off". It seems like setting the voltage on a port, is very different from turning it on/off.

In my current situation, I'm prepping a 24 port Netonix on the bench in the lab to go to the field, so I need to write down and/or remember the PoE configuration for a lot of ports before it's mounted and installed, the cables plugged in, and then the ports enabled for PoE.

Can we have a MUCH simpler and easier solution, and have a "button" to enable/disable PoE???

We can set 24/48/VH options on the bench and then turn PoE off on those ports, that way when we have everything plugged in we can easily go in and turn PoE on?

:D :D :D

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Re: UI Feature Request - On/Off for POE

Mon Apr 20, 2020 7:03 am

That's a good idea.
I'm pretty backed up right now but I have noted it down.

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Re: UI Feature Request - On/Off for POE

Thu Apr 23, 2020 1:03 am

Sweet!! Thank you :-)

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Re: UI Feature Request - On/Off for POE

Fri Jul 30, 2021 2:35 pm

Bumping this thread. I imagine the CLI level for this would work the same as enabling / disabling a port.
Ex Command Sequence (set PoE to 24V and turn on PoE):
interface port 1
poe voltage 24 V
poe no shutdown

Look good to you Stephen?

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Re: UI Feature Request - On/Off for POE

Tue Aug 03, 2021 11:07 am

Looks good too me, I may modify the command structure just a bit though depending on if there are any conflicts on the lower levels in the firmware. But I'll make a note of it on this thread if I do.

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