TFTP Usage


TFTP Usage

Mon Apr 27, 2015 8:53 am

Has anyone tried tftp command to upgrade firmware ?. Could you please post me the command usage ?. I am running the TFTP server in a Windows machine. As soon as I run the tftp command, the WISP switch is simply rebooting without validating the remote server.

Netonix Switch# firmware upgrade tftp://\C:/\TFTP-Root\wispswitch-1.2.0rc11.bin
BusyBox v1.11.2 (2015-01-12 16:20:46 EST) multi-call binary

Usage: tftp [OPTION]... HOST [PORT]

Transfer a file from/to tftp server

-l FILE Local FILE
-r FILE Remote FILE
-g Get file
-p Put file

Error: Specified firmware file does not exist
switch[925]: Reboot initiated by firmware upgrade from CLI
% Saving tftp://\C:/\TFTP-Root\wispswitch-1.2.0rc11.bin to upgrade.binNetonix Switch# Terminated


Re: TFTP Usage

Mon Apr 27, 2015 4:29 pm


Any idea about the TFTP command ?. In our production network, we can't use web browser ( http/https). So the only option is CLI to upgrade firmware.


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Re: TFTP Usage

Tue Apr 28, 2015 9:41 am

Do you routinely use this TFTP server (are you sure the path is correct)? I know that my TFTP server programs don't need a full path, you just just use the filename that is in the TFTP server's home folder.


Re: TFTP Usage

Tue Apr 28, 2015 11:35 am

actually I tried the option > firmware upgrade tftp:\\\wispswitch-1.2.0rc11.bin . This should work, but came out as an "incomplete command".

But firmware upgrade works if I execute the following commands via cmdline,

$ tftp -g -r wispswitch-1.2.0rc11.bin -l /tmp/upgrade.bin
$ firmware_upgrade /tmp/upgrade.bin

I was expecting the upgrade works from Netonix CLI, not from Linux CLI.


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Re: TFTP Usage

Tue Apr 28, 2015 12:22 pm

frank wrote:actually I tried the option > firmware upgrade tftp:\\\wispswitch-1.2.0rc11.bin . This should work, but came out as an "incomplete command".

But firmware upgrade works if I execute the following commands via cmdline,

$ tftp -g -r wispswitch-1.2.0rc11.bin -l /tmp/upgrade.bin
$ firmware_upgrade /tmp/upgrade.bin

I was expecting the upgrade works from Netonix CLI, not from Linux CLI.


TFTP upgrades from the Netonix CLI is actually broken right now. As you discovered you can still do it from the linux CLI, hopefully that will work for you until we can get that fixed.


Re: TFTP Usage

Wed Apr 29, 2015 11:23 am

I can confirm that both the Linux version of TFTP and SCP can be used to download firmware from remote server.

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Re: TFTP Usage

Thu Sep 07, 2023 10:00 pm

frank wrote:actually I tried the option > firmware upgrade tftp:\\\wispswitch-1.2.0rc11.bin . This should work, but came out as an "incomplete command".

But firmware upgrade works if I execute the following commands via cmdline,

$ tftp -g -r wispswitch-1.2.0rc11.bin -l /tmp/upgrade.bin
$ firmware_upgrade /tmp/upgrade.bin

I was expecting the upgrade works from Netonix CLI, not from Linux CLI.


FUNCIONA!!!...gracias por la data!!...recuerden de instalar un server Tftpd64/32 para windows o habilitar el de linux, compartir el archivo .bin descargado y listo!!!..

IT WORKS!!!...thanks for the data!!...remember to install a Tftpd64/32 server for windows or enable the one for linux, share the downloaded .bin file and that's it!!!..

thank you Google Translate

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