Switches Not Passing Packets

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Re: Switches Not Passing Packets

Fri Aug 20, 2021 8:48 am

Hello all,

I have a WS-8-150-DC Rev F running v1.5.6 in production that I believe is experiencing this issue. (not 100% sure if this was the factory firmware or not)

1) Passing traffic on a newly configured VLAN that does not have a "Watchdog" IPv4 address set consistently does not work. Traffic starts passing as soon as I add *ANY* IPv4 address to the VLAN interface on the switch. (and traffic will immediately stop for that VLAN once again if I disable the IP on that VLAN)

2) At times on switch reboot, the router would have another device's MAC address in it's ARP table instead of the Netonix's on what was supposed to be the Netonix's management IP address. (I did verify this was not a simple IP address conflict, and it occurred again when I set the Netonix IP to static on a random address nothing else has ever used on the network.)

3) Getting a DHCP lease for the management interface is hit or miss. (looks like udhcpc would get a SIGTERM in some cases) I saw what appeared to be uni-directional traffic flow at times here. (sometimes saw the DHCP discovery packets on the server interface, saw the server respond, but the Netonix seemed to not be able to receive them, and continued to send discovery packets.)

Does this sound like the same bug, or am I dealing with something else here?


(spent my late night maintenance window trying to debug this issue instead of the original tasks...)

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Re: Switches Not Passing Packets

Fri Aug 20, 2021 12:22 pm

It sounds like the same bug, 1.5.6 is also rather outdated now, I would recommend upgrading to at least 1.5.8 or 1.5.9rc1 if you want to get a Dropbear upgrade as well:

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Re: Switches Not Passing Packets

Sat Sep 18, 2021 5:47 pm

Stephen wrote:It sounds like the same bug, 1.5.6 is also rather outdated now, I would recommend upgrading to at least 1.5.8 or 1.5.9rc1 if you want to get a Dropbear upgrade as well:

I've tried the downgrade / upgrade and it doesn't work most of the time. Or the switches just time out (300 seconds) applying the new configuration. I'm really getting over this issue as I know doing any work with a Netonix switch is going to cost me an hour or two of downtime trying to get it working.. any other brand switch I'd hit apply and a few seconds later it's all good. Please help, I'm happy to have you remote into my switches to check things and see the issue yourself, or grab log files etc. I just need to get this sorted. I have about 15 Netonix switches and this is happening on most of them, there's no common denominator.

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Re: Switches Not Passing Packets

Mon Sep 20, 2021 6:00 pm

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Re: Switches Not Passing Packets

Sat Jun 18, 2022 12:47 pm

I'm sure this has been posted somewhere else before, but as this is related to this post I thought I'd throw this in here for someone else that may be searching:

I have a bunch of Netonix that we've purchased previously, and so they have old firmware (a lot with 1.5.5 it seems). To avoid any issues, I'm following the processes in this post before jumping forward.
Problem... finding old firmware versions which no longer seem to be linked to posts (not sure why this would be, as it's helpful, and pretty much all other vendors do it).

Solution: firmware/archive/

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